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NFL Flag Official League

MO-KAN NFL FLAG Rule Amendments

2025 MO-KAN NFL FLAG Local Rule Amendments

Last Updated: March 2025

I. Game

1. Teams must start games with a minimum of (4) players. In the event of an injury or multiple no-shows, a team may play with four players on the field.

i. If this occurs, teams will resume play in a 4v4 format.

VI. Timing and Overtime

1. Regular Season games are played on a 40-minute continuous clock with two 20-minute halves, unless one team gains a 35-point advantage at which     point the game will be scored final as is.

2. Halftime is three minutes.

3. Each time the ball is spotted, a team has 30 seconds to snap the ball.

4. Each team has (2) 60-second timeouts per half.

VIII. Coaching Guidelines
2. One coach per team is allowed on the field of play for play-calling purposes.
i. All on-field coaches must remain completely out of the play during live balls; and offensive coaches should remain 10-yards behind the line of scrimmage.

IX. Live Ball / Dead Ball Regulations

8. a. If the ball hits the ground as a result of a bad snap, the down is consumed, and the ball is returned to the original line of scrimmage.
i. A dropped snap in the end zone will result in a loss of down and the ball being returned to the original line of scrimmage.

X. Running Game
1. Offensive players do NOT need to stop their motion once the ball has crossed the line of scrimmage but cannot impede any defenders’ path to the ball carrier. No running with the ball carrier.

XIII. Rushing the Passer
i. Lombardi ONLY: Rushing the passer is not permitted
i. Madden and older (2nd grade+) are allowed to rush the passer
i. Rushers do NOT need to identify/declare themselves as rushing
i. Teams can have ANY amount of rushers

XV. Formations
3. The center must snap the ball with a rapid and continuous motion from the ground to a player in the backfield, and the ball must completely leave his/her hands.
i. Snaps between the legs are not required. The alternative to this would be a fluid transition from the center to quarterback from the player’s knee.

XVIII. Grade Based Guidelines
a. Madden (2nd/3rd grade) - NONE of the recommended rule adjustments will apply to this division
i. No run zones ARE still in effect
i. Rushing the passer IS allowed
b. Lombardi (1st grade & younger) - SOME recommended rule adjustments will apply to this division EXCEPT as listed below
i. 'No Run' zones are eliminated. Teams may run the ball anywhere on the field.
i. Defenders may NOT rush the passer unless there is a legal handoff executed in the backfield.
i. If the ball falls to, or touches the ground during the initial center to quarterback exchange, the play is ruled a 'Do Over' with no loss of down, once per down. On a second consecutive occurrence, the down is consumed.
i. Defenders do NOT need to line up at least five yards from the line of scrimmage prior to the snap. Defenders can lineup anywhere on the field similar to every other division


Kansas City & St. Louis Metro Areas 
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